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Sunday, February 5, 2012

site visit

This sem, site visit utk student microbiology kat kilang yakult, Seremban. went by bus.
kita tgok gambar je lah! x taw nak cite apa. kalau nak cite pasal yakult, baik kau google kat wiki

ni la produk yakult yg ada kat Malaysia buat masa ni. ada 2 jenis je. Yakult Ace and Yakult Ace Light. The latter called ace light because it has low sugar contain ;) the price is higher that the ace.
the best time to take yakult is after take a meal, as to extend the life time of live bacteria inside our stomach and they will work efficiently. This is because, HCL in our stomach will produce at the highest rate when we starving and this will lead to the dead of the strain. ;(

yahoo!! korea mari~ can u spot the difference in term of the designing of the bottle between Korea and Malaysia? please recheck.
yes! indeed! the difference is because Malaysia already have the SAME bottle design of health drink as the picture above. So, rather than make consumur got confuse, yakult take the alternative the change the bottle design.

At Belgium, a pack of yakult contain 7 bottles inside. factor of culture maybe. they need more bacteria for a person. tehee ;)

in front of variety product of Yakult

welcome :)

cap ibu dan anak ;P

i am; in the pink. My face after join pilah adventure cycling :)
i will update about cycling later ;)

ok.. have to do the report after this
sigh =_='

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