there are too many choices and only one choice must be choose. only one, if the one is the incorrect one, then u lost. this is life! anyway, dont give up dear.
adik laki aku. the only one adik lelaki, ask me too choose for his course to further his studies. ohoi! sosa nya lahai nak decide which course suit to him. dia boleh ckp camni "pilih je la mana2 yg kau rasa sesuai dgn mental dan fizikal aku ni" the problem is: taw la pulak aku mental kau kan?. ceh!
lepas dah survey2 mne2 kos yg ada, aku end up dgn pilihan-pilihan ni:
Dip. Seni bina
Dip. Kejuruteraan awam
Dip. ukur bahan
Dip. teknologi makanan
Dip. Akuantasi
Tapi aku lebih prefer seni bina. wehuu. x dapat keje mkn gaji, bley keje sendiri. so, aku biar kan dia susun ikut pilihan. aku harap seni bina will become his first choice! as a man, style kot! kah3! bley sambung legasi abah. and end up with a business. kan? kan? yg teknologi makanan ngn akuantasi tu pilihan dia. x style kan pilhan dia? tu keje2 pompuan boleh la derr! nanti last2 kau jadi lecturer. x maw x maw. kurang style. "sorang anak mama kena jadi arkitek". Hehehe, tu aku yg menambah. aku x paksa dia pilih pun. tapi aku harap dia pilih seni bina tu. yes i believe creativity is a gift and a talent; the talent can be build with interest, and the interest will come later. nasihat aku kat dia: think wisely :))
know nothing =_='
but i know this. 'cantik kan?'
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