favourite blog? refer here :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013


I haven't blog much lately. But blog walking is a must! and one of my favourite blog is THIS. wah teringin nya nak backpacking dgn kawan2 mcm ni. know what? suppose i kena fly pegi Bangkok utk extravaganza. Unfortunately, I missed that flight, together with Dayang. Feel like dreaming at that moment for seconds. Tapi yg best nyaaa.. i am okay with that. sebab aku mmg x excited langsung nak pegi. kalau aku excited sgt mesti frust giler kan? oh, actually bnyak sgt aku dapat hikmah nya. and aku dapat jawab test yg suppose aku kena postpone kalau aku pegi Bangkok tu. Firstly mesti la apa2 pun berbalik kepada Allah jugak. kita merancang Allah menentukan. Kat dunia ni kita kecik je kat. Allah yg paling besar so All happened because of HIM. do not get frustrated for any bad happened along our life because all happened dgn kehendak Allah. sapa kita nak melawan Dia. am I right? :D chill der. He has planned something more more better! stay calm and believe! it just a matter of time. :D ok2 stop with this. 


SO, since i dah renew passport utk 2 tahun, and before passport expired, kena la pegi somewhere. wehuuu.. 
So by reading THIS blog ( refer the above link), its really stimulate me to work harder to achieve my dream. it is not wrong to dream. Having BIG dream laaaagiii bagusss. So far, x bnyak pun tempat yg aku dah pegi along this 22 years journey. Paling jauhh Indonesia. But I am only 12 at that time. Can't remember anything =_='. Tangkap gambar pun pakai camera yg filem kodak tuu. time tu x tahu pun nak cam whore. *excuse me* haha! 
lepas tu nak tangkap scenery, culture etc. mcm gambar2 ni:
and I also love photography! :D

“We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives.. Some lessons are painful, some are painless.. but, all are priceless.”

Life’s a beach. Enjoy the waves.
New hangout place 😊

*can refer to THIS

ok sgt bnyak tempat dah datang dalam kepala hotak niii...
Krabi Island, Oslo, Swiss, Korea,  Istanbulll,... tak ketinggalan, Pulau-pulau di Malaysia. teheee.

sambil type post ni bleh pulak roommate kesayangan cakap pasal trip nak pegi Genting Highland! anneyo! aku masih fobia nak main-main kat sana. roller coaster? sollero? what more? grrrr.. wa kecut derrr. seperti nyawa di hujung tanduk ;'(

oppsie.. belum habis lagi nak cerit pasal DREAM aku ni. 


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